Зhejiang Dunan электромеханика технологиялари Кўмпанияси, LTD

Zhejiang Dunan Elektromexanika Texnologiyalari Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Dunan Sun'iy Muhit Texnologiyalari Co., LTD. (aktsiyalar qisqartirilgan: Dunan Muhit; Aktsiyalar kodi: 002011) to'liq egasi, Zhejiang Dunan Sun'iy Muhit Texnologiyalari Co., LTD. oldindan Zhejiang Dunan Sun'iy Muhit Texnologiyalari Co., LTD. tomonidan to'la.

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Зhejiang Dunan электромеханика технологиялари Кўмпанияси, LTD

Kompaniya ISO9001:2008 sifat tizimi sertifikatini, ISO14001:2004 atrof-muhit boshqaruv tizimi sertifikatini, OHSAS18001:2007 kasallik va ish saqlash boshqaruv tizimi sertifikatini va mahsulot energiya tejash, CRAA, AHRI sertifikatlarini va boshqa milliy ruxsatli sertifikatlarni o'tkazdi. 2012-yilda kompaniya energiya boshqaruv tizimi sertifikatini muvaffaqiyatli o'tkazdi. Kompaniyada energiya tejamkorligi va muntazam foydalanish, ishlab chiqarish va operatsiya xarajatlari kamaytirish, iqtisodiy samaradorlikni oshirish, va har doim shunchaki raqobatbardoshlikni saqlash, balki milliy energiya tejamkorligi va emissiya kamaytirishga ham qo'shilish.

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Company Products

At present, the company has water-cooled screw, air-cooled screw, air-cooled scroll, water and ground source heat pumps, sewage source heat pumps, rooftop units, falling film units, centrifuges, air-cooled cabinet units, water-cooled cabinet units, multi-connected units, magnetic levitation centrifuges, precision air conditioning for machine rooms, air conditioning end of the ten series of commercial air-conditioning products, thousands of specifications, and has been developed and applied to the full range of intelligent control, energy-saving, environmental protection, remote control, the network, the Internet of Things, etc. High-tech

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Rooftop Air Conditioning Unit

Nuclear grade water chiller

packaged air-conditioning unit

Water (ground) source heat pump units

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Зhejiang Dunan электромеханика технологиялари Кўмпанияси, LTD

Shield Electromechanical Company has 1042 employees, including 571 technical/management personnel. At the beginning of the company's foundation, it invested heavily in introducing world-class technology and equipment from the United States, Japan, Italy and other countries.

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Зhejiang Dunan электромеханика технологиялари Кўмпанияси, LTD

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